No, without developer toner is useless. Without developer if you apply the toner, you will not be achieved expecting results of toning your hair because, colorings won’t stick to the hair fiber properly.
It is common fact that toner is a hair care product which used to fine-tune the shade of your hair. It can use even after bleaching or after dyeing session in order to refresh your hair color and improve shine.
Just think! if you bleached your hair as blond and it turned into a baby-duck yellow, you need to apply violet toner with 20 volume developer. This is how you can neutralize the baby duck yellow and get a perfect platinum blond to your hair.
Applying toner with a developer is a basic fact. If it is not so, toner will not be performed well because it needs relevant chemical reaction from the developer to stab and react with the hair fiber.
Do you know that you can apply toner like a dye? But you have to keep it in your hair for 5-10 minutes. Other thing is its composition is completely different and color pigments in the toner are much stronger and
Persistent than dye. That is the reason for you to apply toner with a 20-volume developer and let it sit on your hair for 5 to 10 minutes.
If you want to revitalize your color before you have to re-dye it, you can apply toner. In this case volume of developer, you use is more important than the time you keep toner in your hair. You will get lighter hair if you apply toner with a developer of over 20 volumes.
If 20 volume developer does not lighten your hair color as you expected, you can use 30 volume developer to lighten your hair. Applying toner with a 30-volume developer, your hair can even lighten into two shades. But keep in mind that the result will be completely different if you re dye your hair.

Remember that, always apply toner with developer. Toner is a hair care product which professionals using for the correction of colors after the bleaching your hair. By mixing with developer, you can apply the toner on your hair after successful bleaching process in order to correct the tone of your bleached hair.
It is important to know that each hair tone can turns hair color off or neutralize. Follow this list:
- You need to use violet toner, neutralize yellow.
- You need to use green toner, neutralize red, you need to use green toner.
- You need to use blue toner, neutralize orange.
For all above, you need to mix the toner with 20 volume developer. If you used 30 volume developer, it makes your hair lighter as we discussed earlier and it would be absolute disaster. Your hair will get half toned, if you use 10 volume developer, because it will not be created the chemical reaction as your hair need.
Now you have an idea about what color of toner to use and how many volumes of developer you need it. These are the tips you can follow for the successful toning session.
- Toner can apply in to wet hair, this doesn’t affect the color.
- Leave the toner on for 5 to 10 minutes, no more.
- If your get the result before or within the 5 to 10 minutes, you just need to rinse your hair with room-temperature water to stop the chemical reaction further.
- You can apply toner every two weeks when it’s time for apply.
- Keep my advice in mind when it’s time for you to apply toner to your hair.
- Toner only neutralizes or revitalizes tones.
- Toner is a very effective addition.
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Can You Mix Arctic Fox With Developer?
Can I Use Conditioner Instead of Developer?